Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weak made strong in the Savior's love

“Christ alone, Cornerstone! Weak made strong in the Savior’s love; through the storm, He is Lord, Lord of all.” Tonight we closed out devotions by singing that song and as we were sang those lyrics it occurred to me how perfect they are for reflecting on our day today.

 We started out by making the hour long trek up the mountain in the ol’ tap-tap complete with Tap-Tap Surfing (congrats to our champ, Mindy!). Once we got to Titanyen we toured Grace Village and got to see all the wonderful ways Healing Haiti is serving the people there. Grace Village is truly amazing; the thought that has been put into every detail is incredible. It’s very evident that God is behind this ministry and He’s doing mighty things for the people of Titanyen.

The Grace Village tour was encouraging. It was encouraging to see good things happening amongst the oppression, to see healthy kids in school uniforms learning, to tour the family-style homes for the orphans where they get to feel like they’re part of a family as opposed to the “orphanage” feel of a dormitory-style home. As always, the kids were my favorite part of the day. We took lots of selfies with them, but rest assured we didn’t teach them that English word. They sure are familiar with the word “photo”, though.

After Grace Village we spent some time with 4 elderly people that are sponsored through Healing Haiti. We visited with Izna, Marie, Meme, and Pirre. At each visit we were able to massage the ladies’ hands and feet, give them a hot meal, some juice and water, and we prayed and worshiped with each one. They were each such simple acts but meant so much to each one. As we massaged Izna and Marie’s hands – 91 and 105 year old hands! – I couldn’t help but think of what those hands and feet have endured over the years. Life in Haiti is hard.  Their feet are usually dirty because it’s so dusty and dry here. Clean water isn’t readily available to anyone and everyone so sometimes they can’t wash their hands and feet. Marie held each of her 14 babies with those hands, she directed her church choir with those beautiful hands. And today, as we sang, she lifted those hands, mangled from age and probably some arthritis, up to the Lord and sang with us. She prayed as we prayed and after we prayed over her, she prayed over us! She’s an incredible woman. Christ has been her cornerstone, throughout the storms of her 105 year old life. What a testimony! Marie was a breath of fresh air, I feel privileged to have met her and worshipped with her.

Please pray for these beautiful people. Izna is feeling lonely and like there’s not much left for her here on earth. When we left I hugged her and told she’s beautiful and she just giggled and kissed my hands. Meme struggles with nightmares and each time he gets a visit from Healing Haiti, which is each week, he asks for the nightmares to leave. Pirre has an eleven month old son who is experiencing some stomach pain and asked us to pray for him and that he will be able to get some work so he can build a more secure roof for his family’s home. Right now they just have a tarp covering it.

As we were walking through the village from home to home, some neighborhood kids started following us. They would come in each home and listen intently as we prayed and sang. Some would join in, some would just watch. But it struck me that that was probably what it was like when Jesus ministered here on earth -  he visited with people who were oppressed and lonely, sometimes he made other people uncomfortable by who he chose to minister to – but he loved them. He served them. And today we were able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those 4 people. It was so precious and so rewarding to know that we were able to meet a few basic needs and lift their spirits. They definitely left an imprint on our hearts!

After we left Pirre’s home we stopped at a Shalome’s orphanage. This woman has taken in 10 kids, some have parents that aren’t able to care for them, and some truly are orphans. Beautiful, healthy, clean kids. She’s doing a great job caring for them with the limited resources she has. The kids instantly ran out to meet us and we were able to sing and dance with them for awhile. 5 year old Jessica came out and immediately reached out for me to hold her. She is a sweet, sweet girl with a beautiful smile and eyes that will melt your heart. She ended up falling asleep on me, and even though I was dripping sweat from her body heat and mine in the Haitian heat, there was nothing else I would rather do than hold that sweet girl.

As I think about each face I saw today at Grace Village, during our elderly visits, and at the orphanage I’m reminded that even in the midst of the different storms they’ve all faced, or are facing – He is Lord. He’s Lord over all.

All my love from Haiti,





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